Give Εισφορά (Donation)
Chip in for the masterclass, lecture or performance of your choice. The participation fee is 7 euros for the lectures and workshops and 10 euros for the opening performance of the Ancient Greek Drama Summer School. Buy your ticket HERE.
Be Χορηγός (Sponsor)
chorêgos; Greek etymology: χορός "chorus" + ἡγεῖσθαι "to lead"
Honor the institution of sponsorship, that has been alive for 26 centuries, by supporting the funding of all the activities developed by the Ancient Greek Drama Summer School.
According to the amount of your contribution you can be announced as Mega Sponsor, Sponsor, Supporter or Friend of the Ancient Greek Drama Summer School. By contributing 100 euros or more, you can attend all the workshops and events of the School, as well as receive an ecological bag of the Ancient Greek Drama Summer School containing a handmade surprise gift made just for you by the Baumstrasse Technical workshops! Make your contribution HERE
Be Θέωρος (Spectator)
Since theater is wisely called the School for the People, our ancestors, knowing its educational value, tried to provide for the less advantaged citizens by giving them the Theorika. Theorika
was the amount of money that permitted them to buy tickets and watch a performance.
You can buy someone's 10day pass and give him/her a chance to watch all performances and workshops of the Ancient Greek Drama Summer School.
Suggested groups of people who would appreciate your contribution would be:
friends unfamiliar with theatre so that they get to know the 'magic' of theatre
theater lovers, so as to experience what they wait for and want
people you love, so that they get to know you better
The 10day pass costs 70,00 euros.
Remember: Theatre is a priceless gift
Be Eθελοντής (Volunteer)
Roll up your sleeves and take part in the following groups!
-Translation/ Interpretation Group
If you have a good command of English, French, German, Spanish or another language and you are able to translate, interpret and subtitle, join our group.
- Media Group
-Technical Support Group
If you have graphic design knowledge and/or are involved in photography, video and animation, join forces with the Baumstrasse Crew.
You can contact Mariella at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.
Be Αρχιθέωρος (Ambassador)
Be an ambassador of the spirit, values and activities of the Ancient Greek Drama Summer School and spread the word about our activities in friends, family, web sites, blogs and social media!
Inform-share-communicate our newsletter, press releases, announcements about our events in any way you find best (sms, e-mail, Instagram, facebook posts etc). You can contact Chryssa at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.
Remember: Sharing is caring
Be Aπό Mηχανής Θεός (Deus ex machina)
(Apo michanis Theos)
If you wish to take part in the production of the Ancient Greek Drama Summer School by contributing financially for rent, employee payroll or running costs (current expenses), you can contact Jo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information.